Entry Essentials

Download the entry form

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Complete with all details

Complete form with all relevant information and supporting documentation (word or PDF document).

Register via our online portal

Register via our online entry portal, where you will complete your company profile and upload your completed documentation.
You will need to register via our online entry portal to make a submission. Once you have registered and filled out your company profile, you will be able to access your account and submit and edit entries. Remember you can enter more than one category using the same project or enter one category with multiple projects. Our judges want to see the best of the best and that might be you across different categories and areas. Just make sure you submit a separate form for each entry and tweak the information so that you ensure you match the criteria.

The Rules

All entries must not exceed 1000 words. The word count does not include the company information at the start of the form or the questions already within the form.
When creating a title for your entry, please structure your title in the following format: “Agency Name & Client Name – Campaign/Product Name” or just “Agency/Team Name” for agency/team awards e.g. “Don’t Panic & Global Content Awards – Awards Content Campaign”
Entries should relate to work undertaken between January 2023 - May 2024
Please ensure you fill out a separate Word Doc/PDF entry form each entry submission. For example, if you submit 5 different entries, you will need to complete 5 individual entry forms and upload these separately on each submission.
If you are uploading the same entry into another category, you will need to edit your entry form and make sure the correct category is checked. If the correct category is not checked, your entry may be classed as void and therefore not judged.
Entry questions are dependent on your chosen category, so please take care when filling out each entry form. If your entry form does not match your online submission and category selection, your entry may be classed as a duplication error and may not be judged.
Entry forms can be designed to your company branding, as long as they contain the appropriate questions/headings in which the judges mark upon. All entries must be paid for at the time of submission.
Please ensure you read the terms and conditions before submitting an entry.

Entry Fees

All entries (made before 23:59 on Friday 29, October 2021) will be charged an early bird, administration fee of £155+ VAT per entry which must be paid when submitting your entry or entries.

Entries submitted after the early bird close will be charged the standard administration fee of £205 + VAT, with the deadline for submissions being Friday 12 November 2021.

Any entries after 12 November will only be accepted at the discretion of the Awards Team and will be charged a late administration fee. To discuss entry submission after the deadline, please contact awards@dontpanicprojects.com.

File Upload Formats

All files must not exceed 2MB each.

When creating your online portal profile, please make sure your company logo is of high quality as this will appear on the awards presentation should you be shortlisted.

Please ensure your entry form is uploaded as a Word Document or PDF, no other formats will be accepted.

Supporting materials can be provided in Word, PDF or JPEG formats. Zip Files and videos cannot be accepted. If you wish to use video evidence as your supporting material, please include a link to the file online in your entry form under 'supporting documents'.


All entries (made before 23:59 on Friday 29, October 2021) will be charged an early bird, administration fee of £155+ VAT per entry which must be paid when submitting your entry or entries.

Entries submitted after the early bird close will be charged the standard administration fee of £205 + VAT, with the deadline for submissions being Friday 12 November 2021.

Any entries after 12 November will only be accepted at the discretion of the Awards Team and will be charged a late administration fee. To discuss entry submission after the deadline, please contact awards@dontpanicprojects.com.

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ACME Awards has been a game-changer for us. Winning in the 'Innovative Marketing Campaigns' category not only elevated our brand but also opened new avenues for collaboration. The recognition has been a catalyst for our continued success. John Smith, CEO
XYZ Marketing Solutions
Being honored by ACME Awards in the 'Corporate Excellence' category was a validation of our hard work and commitment. The recognition has boosted morale, attracting top talent and opening doors to new business opportunities. Emily Johnson, COO
ABC Corporation
ACME Awards' acknowledgment of our 'Tech Trailblazers' status has been a tremendous honor. It has not only bolstered our industry credibility but has also positioned us as leaders in the ever-evolving tech landscape. Daniel Brown, CTO
InnovateTech Solutions
ACME Awards' recognition in 'Socially Responsible Businesses' has fueled our commitment to making a positive impact. The accolade has strengthened our corporate image and resonated positively with our stakeholders. Alexandra Rodriguez, CSR Director
GreenTech Innovations
Winning in the 'Excellence in Visual Arts' category at ACME Awards has opened doors to new opportunities. The exposure has attracted collaborations and clientele, propelling our artistic journey to new heights. Sophie Martinez, Lead Artist
Artistry Studios
ACME Awards' recognition in 'Entrepreneurial Spirit' has been a catalyst for growth. It not only validated our business model but also provided invaluable exposure, paving the way for strategic partnerships and increased market share. Michael Chang, Founder and CEO
StartupX Innovations
Early Bird Deadline
Days 00
Hours 00
Mins 00
Secs 00