Judging Criteria

Judges will read and pre-score all entry forms, considering any supporting materials submitted. Judges will be asked to give a score for each question within the entry form, as listed in the bullet points below. These will be combined to give an overall score for each entry. All judges’ pre-scores will then be combined, and the highest-scoring entries will determine the shortlists.

Judges will meet to discuss the highest-scoring entries and then agree on the winner for each category.

The awards will be judged by some of the biggest names in search. Click here to see this year’s judging panel.

Entries should not exceed 1000 words in total and should relate to work undertaken between June 2022 – September 2023.

Campaign Awards

The judges will be looking for clear objectives, creative and effective implementation and tangible and demonstrable results in the campaign award categories. They will also consider the structure, presentation and clarity of each entry.

Each entry must include information under the following headings:
• Total budget & objectives
• Strategy & target audience
• Creativity & implementation
• Challenges
• Results & evaluation
• Why your campaign should win

Any entries that do not include information under all of these headings will be marked down. If appropriate you may include up to three pieces of supporting materials.

Innovation/Software Awards

The judges will be looking for a clear description of an outstanding blog, innovation or product, with indication of budget. Judges will be looking for new features/tools added in the last twelve months for the software awards. They will also consider the structure, presentation and clarity of each entry.

Each entry must include information under the following headings:
• Overview of innovation/software
• Total budget
• Target audience & Problems
• UPS & features
• Key Metrics
• Why your innovation/software should win

Any entries that do not include information under all of these headings will be marked down. If appropriate, you may include up to three pieces of supporting materials.

In addition to the above judges will utilise the log in & password provided to mark the following:
• The usability/functionality of the product
• The effectiveness and performance of the product

Please note if you’re unable to provide a login, please contact awards@dontpanicprojects.com.

Agency/Team Awards

Judges will be looking for agencies and teams that can demonstrate an ongoing and sustained commitment to delivering best practice while showing a creative and innovative approach to search. Judges will also consider the structure, presentation and clarity of each entry.

Each entry must include information under the following headings:
• Details of the team / agency
• Agency / team objectives
• Recent work example
• Recent achievements
• Challenges
• Why your entry should win

Any entries that do not include information under all of these headings will be marked down. If appropriate you may include up to three pieces of supporting materials.


All material will remain confidential to the judges. All judging discussions are confidential and will not be shared or discussed with anyone outside of the judging panel ahead of the ceremony or thereafter. Judges will not share confidential material, judging papers or entries with anyone. Judges will securely delete all judging materials immediately after the judging period or give materials to the We Are Search team who will manage this. Judges can only access entries that they have been provided to score.

Winning case studies may be used in post-event materials to promote best practice and permission will be sought from entrants before publishing these.


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ACME Awards has been a game-changer for us. Winning in the 'Innovative Marketing Campaigns' category not only elevated our brand but also opened new avenues for collaboration. The recognition has been a catalyst for our continued success. John Smith, CEO
XYZ Marketing Solutions
Being honored by ACME Awards in the 'Corporate Excellence' category was a validation of our hard work and commitment. The recognition has boosted morale, attracting top talent and opening doors to new business opportunities. Emily Johnson, COO
ABC Corporation
ACME Awards' acknowledgment of our 'Tech Trailblazers' status has been a tremendous honor. It has not only bolstered our industry credibility but has also positioned us as leaders in the ever-evolving tech landscape. Daniel Brown, CTO
InnovateTech Solutions
ACME Awards' recognition in 'Socially Responsible Businesses' has fueled our commitment to making a positive impact. The accolade has strengthened our corporate image and resonated positively with our stakeholders. Alexandra Rodriguez, CSR Director
GreenTech Innovations
Winning in the 'Excellence in Visual Arts' category at ACME Awards has opened doors to new opportunities. The exposure has attracted collaborations and clientele, propelling our artistic journey to new heights. Sophie Martinez, Lead Artist
Artistry Studios
ACME Awards' recognition in 'Entrepreneurial Spirit' has been a catalyst for growth. It not only validated our business model but also provided invaluable exposure, paving the way for strategic partnerships and increased market share. Michael Chang, Founder and CEO
StartupX Innovations
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